About 关于我们
Summeer Breeze is a dynamic platform dedicated to showcasing the creative processes of NYC’s performing artists. We bring together dancers and musicians - ranging from seasoned professionals to passionate non-professionals who live and breathe dance and music. We are dedicated to bringing the creative scenes from practice sessions and clubs to the spotlight of the stage. Our platform celebrates artistic freedom, offering a space where artists can express ourselves in our own unique languages. Breeze embraces a variety of styles, including and not limited to Hip Hop, House, Waacking, and Popping… - wherever the music moves you. With deep respect, we honor the New York-based pioneers who paved the way for these art forms and continue to inspire the next generation.
Summer Breeze是一个展示纽约表演艺术家创作过程的平台。我们汇集了舞者和音乐家,不仅有经验丰富的全职艺术家,也有充满热情的将舞蹈和音乐融入生活的非职业艺术家。我们致力于把艺术家在练习室和地下派对的创作场景搬到聚光灯下的舞台中央。我们的平台崇尚艺术自由,提供空间让艺术家们能够用我们自己独特的语言自由表达。Breeze 拥抱各种风格,包括但不限于嘻哈(Hip Hop)、浩室舞(House)、甩手舞(Waacking)、机械舞(Popping)等—不论音乐如何引领你的舞动。我们怀着深深的敬意,致敬那些为这些艺术形式开辟道路并继续激励下一代的纽约先锋舞者和艺术家们。
2023 Summer Breeze at PinkFROG in Williamsburg